The Union Difference
Ironworkers Local 29 is dedicated to improving wages and working conditions for all members. When  you’re union, you can expect great pay, stellar benefits, and a supporting community.

Big Wages

Local 29 Benefits

  • Apprentices start at 60% of journeyman wage, $29 an hour plus benefits. Your experience is credited and may increase starting pay and reduce apprenticeship time.
  • You earn prevailing wage on all union jobs.
  • A defined benefit pension and/or an annuity fund, not just a 401K.
  • A grievance procedure - there's someone to advocate for you if you have a conflict with your employer.
  • Greater career opportunities - joining the union provides great training and the chance to become a local president, business manager, or organizer. Unions are vital for civic engagement. Joining one will allow you to become a community leader.

    What You Need to Know

    Union vs Non-Union

    1. What are the benefits of joining the Ironworkers Local 29 Union?
    • Full family health, dental, and vision insurance for all members of family.
    • Retirement benefits. Annuity/401k and pension.
    • Make prevailing wage on all jobs.
    • Paid time off (PTO) currently $3 per hour.
    • All safety equipment provided by the employers (harness, gloves, glasses, welding hoods, leathers, etc.)
    • All benefits paid by employer contributions, not wage deductions.
    • Medical, dental, and vision paid by employee.
    • Tools paid by employee.
    • Make prevailing wage only on public works projects.
    • Safety equipment provided by the employees (harness, gloves, glasses, welding hoods, leathers, etc.)
    2. Why do union workers have more consistent work hours?
    • Over 70 signatory companies hiring members.
    • Training available for career advancement.
    • Foreman training, superintendent promotions, and welding, rigging, and other certifications AT NO COST TO MEMBER.
    • One employer, susceptible to inconsistent work hours.
    • Non-union contractors cannot bid on all projects.
    3. What if I already have experience in ironworking or related fields?
    • The union is always looking for skilled iron workers. Experience increases pay and reduces training time.
    • Applications taken every Wednesday except holidays.
    • Expected to have skills when hired.
    • You pay for training and certifications.

    Big Iron

    The Union Works for Your Benefit


    Trade unions champion equal rights and equal pay. They fight discrimination against race, gender, sexual orientation and disability. They foster respect and dignity in the workplace. Trade unions promote maternity rights, flexible working and paternity pay, so that caring responsibilities are shared. Today, some of the world’s biggest trade unions are led by women and unions are actively encouraging women and young people to take on leadership roles in union structures. As a trade union rep, you can make your workplace better.

    Workplace Protection

    Unions have got your back. Not only can they tell you your rights, they will defend your rights. If your employer treats you unfairly, you can rely on support and expert representation from your union. A trade union rep is a trusted person to turn to when you’re unhappy at work or management is behaving badly. And, as the workplace is transformed by automation and robotics, trade unions are demanding training, lifelong learning and social protection for workers to transition to the new world of work.


    Trade unions have an incredible network that spans the world. Global trade unions, like IndustriALL, which counts over 600 trade union affiliates in 140 countries, can use their membership of millions to command the attention of the very biggest corporations.  Global unions can raise a serious issue that is getting ignored at the plant or office level, with the top management of a multinational company. Often, senior management is unaware of a problem that’s going on locally, and global unions can help resolve an issue on the ground. When you join a union, you join a global family.

    Visit Union Hall to Apply

    Union Hall
    11620 NE Ainsworth Cir STE 200,
    Portland, OR 97220
    Ironworkers Local 29
    503-774-0777 |

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